These printable resources make it easy to introduce Henry Moore to your kids- printable Henry Moore quick facts, artist study, portrait, quote, and more.

Who is Henry Moore….

Henry Moore was a famous artist who created beautiful sculptures. He was born in the year 1898 and lived until the year 1986.

Moore loved nature and he often found inspiration in the shapes and forms of rocks and trees. He created many sculptures that were inspired by nature, such as sculptures of large, curved shapes that looked like rocks or abstract representations of the human form.

Moore’s sculptures are often very big and made of materials like bronze or stone. Some of his sculptures are so big that you could even walk through them! People all over the world have seen and admired Moore’s sculptures in museums, parks, and public spaces.

Henry Moore for kids- these resources include quick facts about Henry Moore, Henry Moore artist study, Henry Moore quote for kids, and a Henry Moore coloring page portrait.

Why are Henry Moore’s sculptures so special…..

Henry Moore’s sculptures are very big and often made of heavy materials like bronze or stone. When you see one of his sculptures in person, it can be really impressive to see something that big and heavy that someone was able to create with their hands.

Henry Moore’s sculptures often look like abstract shapes or forms, rather than something realistic. This means that you can look at them and use your imagination to see different things in the shapes. For example, one of his sculptures might look like a big rock or a giant egg, or it might look like a human figure that’s been stretched and twisted into a new shape.

Moore’s sculptures often have a very peaceful feeling to them. They’re very smooth and rounded, with no sharp edges or corners. This can make them feel like they’re very calming to look at and be around.

Use this hand drawn Henry Moore portrait coloring page as a way to help your kids identify this important sculptor!

Want to use these Henry Moore for kids resources in your home or classroom…

I made these printable Henry Moore resources just for you! As a KTC subscriber they’re free for you to use in your home or classroom!

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Two ways for KTC subscribers to get the Henry Moore for kids printables….

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2.) Use your subscriber only password to log into my Free Resource Library. You’ll find these Henry Moore resources under the heading “Art Appreciation Printables.” You’ll also find hundreds of other free printable goodies to wow your kids with!

Make your own Henry Moore sculpture….

Although Moore’s sculptures tended to be monumental your own students can experience carving an organic sculpture on a smaller scale with soap carving.

Follow along with these step by step instructions on how to use subtractive sculpture to turn a bar of soap into something beautiful!

The secret of life is to have a task, something you devote your entire life to, something you bring everything to, every minute of the day for the rest fo your life. And the most important thing is, it must be something you cannot possibly do.

More free printable artist studies from KTC….

Check out these free printable Henry Moore for kids resources and introduce your kids to modern sculpture.

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