This paper quilt art is made from none other than standard size post it notes. Grab a free printable guide and get started now!

Quilts as a traditional art form….

Let’s talk about quilts, these amazing blankets that are more than just something cozy to snuggle up with. Quilts are like a beautiful blend of art and history, making them a fantastic topic to introduce to our little ones.

Imagine a patchwork of stories stitched together, quite literally! Quilts are like family heirlooms that hold generations of stories and love. They’re made by sewing together different pieces of fabric to create vibrant and intricate patterns.

Quilts are a creative journey that can teach kids about colors, patterns, and even a bit of history. So, the next time you’re cuddled up under a quilt with your kiddos, remember that you’re also wrapped up in a piece of art and tradition.

Materials for creating paper quilt art…..

Creating a traditional quilt requires fabric and some sewing skills. Creating a paper version of quilt art is much simpler and can teach kids many of the same concepts. Here’s what you’ll need!

  • 3 x 3 post it notes are the perfect size and require no cutting, or paper cut to the same size
  • printable quilt guide, printed on 11 x 17 paper, access below
  • scissors
  • glue stick

How to make paper quilt art…..

Begin with the provided paper quilt guide so you can get started making your paper quilts right away. You can get the template below (free when you’re a KTC subscriber) and print it on 11 x 17 paper.

Three inch post it notes means you can skip using the paper cutter to mass produce quilt squares for your kids to use. If post it notes aren’t available feel free to get that paper cutter out!

Look at examples of traditional quilts and have a discussion about the patterns that are evident. Don’t miss the chance to include vocabulary such as rotate and repetition.

Encourage kids to explore using post it note squares whole, cut in half diagonally, or even cut into quarters. These limited geometric shapes will come together to create some pretty fantastic patterns!

Use the self adhesive on the post its as a temporary fix while patterns are being arranged and decided upon and then fix with glue stick when satisfied.

Making a paper quilt builds lots of skills and includes so many great concepts…

Creating a quilt from paper can be a fantastic and creative way for kids to learn a variety of skills. Here are some skills they could develop:

  1. Fine Motor Skills: Cutting and piecing together small paper shapes can help improve their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  2. Color and Pattern Recognition: Choosing different colored papers and arranging them in patterns for the quilt can enhance student’s understanding of colors and patterns.
  3. Creativity: Designing their own quilt patterns using paper encourages them to think creatively and come up with unique combinations.
  4. Spatial Awareness: Arranging and fitting paper shapes together on a larger paper helps kid’s understand spatial relationships and how things fit within a given space.
  5. Problem Solving: Figuring out how to arrange the paper pieces to create a cohesive and visually appealing quilt design involves problem-solving skills.
  6. Math Skills: Counting and measuring paper pieces, as well as calculating how they fit together, can introduce basic math concepts in a practical context.
  7. Patience and Persistence: Creating a paper quilt is a project that requires time and effort. Kids can learn patience and persistence as they work on each piece.
  8. Storytelling: Encourage kids to create a theme for their paper quilt. This can help them tell a visual story by selecting paper designs that represent different elements of their chosen theme.

Get to know famous quilt artists….

Learn about famous quilt artist Faith Ringgold with this free four page artist study! Combine this Faith Ringgold artist study with this paper quilt art lesson makes for a done for you quilting unit!

Get the free printable guide for making your own post it note paper quilt here….

I made a 3 x 3 grid perfect for structuring your own paper quilt from post it notes. It prints on 11 x 17 copy paper and is available for free when you’re a Kitchen Table Classroom subscriber. You can subscribe here using the form below, for free! Fill out the form and then head to your email to confirm your subscription. You’ll have your download in no time!

As a subscriber you’ll receive my weekly digital newsletter. It’s full of my best and newest ideas for staying creative with your kids!

As a Kitchen Table Classroom subscriber you can also access this paper quilt guide inside my Free Resource Library. It’s a one stop shop for all of my free printable resources. Click any link and you’ll have the pdf in seconds!

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