These free bullet journal printables make starting a bullet journal easy.  Whether you’re a kid or a mom these bullet journal templates make planning for the future, making lists, and keeping memories more than just a straightforward task.  

What is a bullet journal….

Admission- I did not invent the bullet journal.  Oh man, I wish.  Bullet journaling is a specific record keeping system invented by designer Ryder Carroll.  Ryder was diagnosed with learning disabilities early in life and designed the bullet journal out of a need to find ways to be more focused and productive.   

The bullet journal is meant to “help you track the past, organize the present , and plan for the future.”  Visit this site to learn more about Ryder Carroll and the details of the bullet journal system and the philosophy behind it.

Starting a bullet journal the easy way….

There are lots of ins and outs and an amazing philosophy of mindfulness behind the bullet journal.  You can read lots about that in the link above.  My focus here isn’t so much to teach that same philosophy as to give people an easy way to dive in and try their own hand at creating a bullet journal through easy templates!  These printable pages are bullet journal inspired, not an exact copy. 

I want these bullet journal printables to be easy enough to print out and start planning.  You’re a kid- you can start a bullet journal!  A mom?  Yep, this is for you!  What if you’re the non-artsiest person ever?  Yes, a bullet journal can still totally benefit you.  It’s a planner, a creative release, and an awesome way to look back on the past.

All you need are these bullet journal PDF’s and an ink pen to start planning the easy way! 


These bullet journal printables make diving into the bujo craze a piece of cake. Grab these free bullet journal templates, an ink pen, and go!

What goes in a bullet journal….

A bullet journal can encompass so much.  It’s kind of like a to-dot list, a diary and a planner all rolled into one.  It’s yours, and you can include anything you want.  Basically your bullet journal is a brain dump.  Write it down, get it out, and organize your thoughts. 

Common ideas include; a daily log, a monthly log, a three month log, to do lists, shopping lists. birthdays. sketches, quotes, habit tracking, goals, and priorities. 

The true bullet journal uses an index at the beginning to record on what page each any list, log, or sketch can be found.  I’ve included a printable bullet journal index should you choose to set your journal up that way.  

Bullet journals use “signifiers” or symbols.  A bullet point denotes each task in a list.  A circle is used to signify events and dashes are used for notes.  Many people create a key of their own with their own personalized shorthand symbols.  Is this necessary?  In my opinion it is totally up to you to take the parts of the bullet journal system that excite you and use them here in these free bullet journal printables.


These bullet journal printables make diving into the bujo craze a piece of cake. Grab these free bullet journal templates, an ink pen, and go!

What do you need to start a bullet journal….

Traditionally a bullet journal is done in a notebook with either graph paper or a grid of tiny dots like this one.  These bullet journal templates will take the place of a traditional notebook (for free) to get you started.  If you or your kiddo fall in love with the process one of these personalized bullet journal notebooks would be a great gift!

Use any kind of mark maker to plan your bullet journal.  When I started experimenting with this bullet journal PDF I began by using a fine tipped Sharpie like this one.  I found the marks to be too thick and prefer using my all time favorite ink pen, this inexpensive G2.  These come in lots of colors so whether you prefer simple black and white or bold color they’ve got you covered! I like to keep a short, 6 inch ruler on hand too, for connecting those dots or tracing lines on the grid.

The supplies are easy.  You probably have most of these laying around or can round them up for a couple of dollars.  So grab these free bullet journal templates and get busy!

These bullet journal printables make diving into the bujo craze a piece of cake. Grab these free bullet journal templates, an ink pen, and go!


The bullet journal daily spread….

These bullet journal printables offer several daily spreads.  Keep track of your daily schedule, track your habits, write your word of the day, ect.  There are no labels on most spaces of these bullet journal PDf ‘s so that the spaces can be used in a number of different ways.  Everyone has their own priorities and flow to their days.  A bullet journal should reflect that! 

Use the daily spreads and those “signifiers above to quickly get down all the parts of your day.  Doing it in shorthand means it doesn’t take an hour.  It’s short and concise which means you’re more likely to keep up with it.   The more information you include about the events, tasks habits, and notes about your day the more complete of a picture you will have about yourself.  This is a great way to be conscious of yoru growth, patterns in your days, and things you want to change up!

Future logs with bullet journal printables….

The original bullet journal system doesn’t include a weekly log.  I like seeing a week at a glance so I’ve included several bullet journal weekly logs on both one and two page spreads.  Use these spaces as you wish! 

There is a bullet journal PDF specifically for looking ahead three months, for seeing the month at a glance, and the twelve months of the year.  This are great spaces to keep track of birthdays, long standing commitments, holidays, and approaching vacations.

These bullet journal printables make diving into the bujo craze a piece of cake. Grab these free bullet journal templates, an ink pen, and go!

Bullet journals for kids…

So does a bullet journal make sense for kids with all the signifiers and the index, and all?  Yes, a bullet journal is a totally kid friendly way to keep track of life.  Present these printable bullet journal templates, a few pens, and chat about how the different formats can work for their lives.  Some kids will dig using the signifiers and making their own codes.  Some kids will want nothing to do with it.  That’s okay.

One thing I really love about bullet journals for kids is that one of the tenants of keeping a bullet journal is short, concise thoughts.  Bulleted points replace complex sentences.  For kids that don’t love writing that means that these bullet journal printables give them some structure and require little writing, should they choose!  The more they include in their pages the more complete picture of their days they will have.  In the long run this can make for some pretty awesome retrospection even for the youngest crowd! 

As with so many other ideas and projects that I present I see my job as a teacher and a mama to present the info and let kids run with it.  Let them try and try again and make these pages their own!

If you have an creative kid that just isn’t ready to devote the time a bullet journal needs check out this free printable planner for creatives!  It has lots of the same elements as these bullet journal templates but with more labeling and direction.  (And some pretty watercolors!)

These bullet journal printables make diving into the bujo craze a piece of cake. Grab these free bullet journal templates, an ink pen, and go!


Want to grab seventeen free bullet journal printables….

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If forgot the password just open any newsletter from me and you’ll see that password and a link to the Resource LIbrary at the bottom of every one! 

Want more bullet journal template pages…. check out these bullet journal pages just for 2019!


These bullet journal printables make diving into the bujo craze a piece of cake. Grab these free bullet journal templates, an ink pen, and go!

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