For Kids, Three Dimensions September 22, 2016

Acorn Necklaces Made with Baked Marbles

We like a good craft at my house.  Even better when it uses natural (free materials), has impressive results and comes together in only a few minutes.  These acorn necklaces made with baked marbles fit the bill!!

One of the best things about this project is your kids will be able to do almost all the work themselves (minus removing the pan from the oven) and they will have some sweet little gifts to bestow upon their people!  

For Mamas, Homeschool September 19, 2016

The Best and Worst of Homeschool

There’s a lot of good stuff about this homeschool lifestyle we have chosen. Here are a few of my favorites.  And you know that little voice of doubt, that little devil that sits on your shoulder and whispers doubts in your ear.  As a homeschool mom I have one of those too.  If I’m being honest all of the best things about homeschool have a flip side to them; some real and some imagined. I’m gonna share those too.  Because, really, doesn’t it feel good to know we all have the same worries?  This is the best and worst of homeschool at our house!

For Mamas, Homeschool September 8, 2016

How We Homeschool in Four Days a Week


Being out and about with four kids can be a spectacle.  Three of my four are boys so there is usually some type of loud, mildly inappropriate noise and distracting, repetitive movement happening somewhere in my group.  My kids are all tall and big for their age so people assume they are all several years older than they truly are.  People stare.  The introvert in me wants to crawl under a rock and wait for them to grow up a bit before we venture out again.

For Mamas, Staying Creative September 1, 2016

The Bunk Room Project

It all started with an innocent Pinterest board titled “Bunk Rooms.”  We were in the process of taking our unfinished basement and making it about 50% finished.  Thereby (good enough) for kid use.  We have a fairly large home and we use every square inch.  We love to entertain and host and our kids do the same.

For Mamas, Homeschool August 24, 2016

Super Simple DIY Slip and Slide

My husband and I  Me, okay, just me. I was planning a “not back to school” party for our kids and a few other families that have recently jumped on the homeschool wagon.  My husband was deep in the throes of his super busy season at work.  Slip and slide construction was not at the top of his to-do list.

For Mamas, Staying Creative August 20, 2016

Project: Lofted Bed

Being number four in a family has positives and negatives.  The positives are giant and everlasting.  He has been surrounded by people that adore him since day one.  He has three big siblings to play with, protect him, and indoctrinate him into all of their shenanigans.  His parents are a bit wiser and a lot more tired so most of the small stuff slides.

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