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May 31, 2017

Styrofoam Printmaking- Making Prints with Household Materials

If you’ve been the to The Kitchen Table Classroom before you may have caught on that printmaking is just about my favorite of all art process.  There are just so many different printmaking techniques and materials that an artist can use; each of which produce dramatically different results.  This styrofoam printmaking process uses materials you have on hand and is widely adaptable for age and skill level!

April 22, 2017

Rubber Band Prints- Printmaking with Office Supplies

As a former art teacher in the public schools I am used to making something out of nothing.  A tiny and budget and 500 kids a week will make a teacher resourceful.  I’m no longer in the classroom but I still love taking junk and making it into something new!  Rubber band prints do exactly that!

April 14, 2017

Adinkra Symbols- Exploring Printmaking and Patterning through Traditional African Textiles

An “adinkra” is a visual symbol.  This traditional African textile dates back to the 1800’s.  Adinkra symbols were once printed on fabric in a grid pattern using a carved gourd.  This special fabric was reserved for royalty or spiritual leaders.  Today Adinkra cloth is widely available and commercially printed on fabric, t-shirts and jewelry for everyone to wear and enjoy.

February 14, 2017

Potato Prints- An Intro to the Art of Printmaking

Printmaking is hands down my favorite art activity.  Little kids, big kids, professionals, and non artists can all find something they enjoy in the super varied world of printmaking.  It is the least intimidating of art media (at least to me) because no drawing skill is required! It can be as simple as these potato prints; carve, paint, and print!

January 24, 2017

Paper Marbling with Shaving Cream

Paper marbling is an art that has been around for centuries.  Years ago there were fancy chemical cocktails and extensive processes to get those beautiful colors to float on a medium, swirl together, and then stick to paper.  Today were going to explore the ancient art of paper marbling and you’re not even going to have to open your craft cupboard.

December 6, 2016

Printmaking with Legos- a Simple Lego Craft

Printmaking is one of my favorite processes with kids because its just so simple and fun.  Since Lego’s come in so many shapes and sizes they lend themselves perfectly to printmaking!  This Lego craft is a natural   Prep work is slim since all you have to do is head over to the Lego bin and grab some black paint!

November 15, 2016

Marker Prints-A Super Easy Art Project with Impressive Results

Marker prints are one of those projects that would make an innocent bystander think that you, the teacher, really know what you’re doing.  Don’t worry- no technical skill or extensive knowledge required.  Marker prints are easy and the kids think they are magical.  Chances are you have everything you need to do these with your child, they require little prep work and the results are awesome!!

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